Expert SEO solutions for sustainable organic growth

SEO is vital to every business's marketing strategy. With every company fighting for a position on the first page, you need a deep understanding of Google’s algorithms and ever-increasing use of AI in order to stand out from the crowd.

As a Hampshire-based agency with over 40 years of experience, we pride ourselves on our long-lasting partnerships that focus on real success and scalable revenue, not just vanity metrics.

We employ transparent, ethical, white-hat SEO to ensure our partners see long-term, sustainable growth from their SEO strategy. As Google premier partners, HubSpot platinum partners and RevOps specialists, we have the experience and knowledge to see the bigger picture and the in-house expertise to create and deploy a plan tailored to your specific business goals.

Want to improve your SEO?

Our SEO results speak for themselves

31% Increase in Goal Completions


Our work for Stannah Lifts resulted in a year-on-year increase in goal completions of over 31.26% between 2021 and 2022

20% Increase in Organic Entrances

Sealpac UK

Following a website redesign and content audit, Sealpac UK saw a year-on-year increase in organic entrances of 20.38%

31% Increase in Blog Traffic


Our comprehensive content plan for Senseye resulted in a year-on-year increase in organic traffic to the blog area of 31.44%

Our SEO Services

Every business is unique, so your SEO strategy should be too. Our SEO services will always be bespoke to you and your goals.

Take a look at some of our core SEO services below to understand how they can benefit you.

Keyword research

The first step in effective targeting is to know exactly what your audience is searching for and how to reach them during these key moments

SEO audit

Once you know who you want to target and how, the next step is to measure how effective you currently are at reaching your goals and where the most opportunities for improvement lie

Technical SEO audit

Technical SEO is the foundation that the rest of your SEO strategy is built upon. If your website loads slowly or is full of technical faults, your rankings as a whole will be compromised as a result. 

Content audit

If you have a bank of content and you’re not sure if its performing well, then a content audit can analyse the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for each; providing a detailed breakdown of how to improve

Content plan

Content is the absolute cornerstone of SEO. Using all of the information gathered through the detailed analysis of your website and business, we’ll create a comprehensive content plan designed to target the biggest opportunities for your business.

Competitor analysis

You aren’t the only ones looking to improve your organic coverage; your competitors are too. By analysing their methodology, successes and failures we can ensure you’re best positioned to exploit all opportunities.

Local SEO Audit

For businesses which serve a set geographic area such as Hampshire, local SEO is a way of increasing your visibility where it matters the most to you by leveraging local search opportunities.

SEO Strategy

Try as you might, you can't do everything at once. All the fixes, opportunities and content need to be scheduled into a realistic, prioritised and actionable plan.

Our SEO process

Breckenridge’s specialist SEO team has the knowledge and expertise to deliver SEO campaigns, content and services specifically tailored to the business-to-business technology and manufacturing industries. We create digital campaigns that target your audience specifically, driving leads and sales and helping you grow.

Data is the cornerstone of improvement. Before we can improve your website, we need to understand where the opportunities lay. Depending on your business, audience and sector and website complexity we can look into your technical SEO, keyword rankings and targeting, content quality and competitor action.

In order to rank most effectively, we need a thorough understanding of the way your audience is searching, the type of content Google rewards and how your competitors are finding success. From this research, we can best plan how to combat your weaknesses and build on your success.

Using the data collected through our audits and research, we'll create comprehensive and bespoke SEO strategy focused on meeting and exceeding your business goals.

Once we've gathered all the information and set up a solid plan, the next step is to deploy these changes. Depending on your in-house resource and expertise, the level of support we can provide for deployment can range from full execution to consultation and support, or anything in between.

The ability to effectively track the results of your SEO activity is vital in deciding where to focus next. To give full visibility into the results of your SEO plan, we'll set up a custom dashboard which tracks and reports on your most important goals at a glance.

Just how good is your website?

How well equipped do you think your website is for inbound marketing success? Is it all looks but not much substance, or could it be the other way around? Take the test to find out how you could improve it.



SEO is a vital aspect of every businesses online marketing, but few businesses understand how it works.  Below, we've gone into a few of the questions we're commonly asked about SEO, howe it works and how it can benefit your business.

Why work with an SEO agency?
With the speed at which Google updates its algorithms and processes, keeping up-to-date is a time-consuming process. Working with the SEO specialists within an agency gives you access to years worth of expert experience, specialist tools and up-to-date knowledge of the latest changes updates and how they can affect your website, on demand.
How long does SEO take?
Whilst the time SEO can take to positively affect your website will depend heavily on the age, complexity and quality of your website. On average we expect around 6 months to start seeing noticeable growth as a result of your SEO plan.

For industries with little competition, or well established websites with existing presence, this can be far quicker, though conversely a saturated market or a new website can make progress take far longer.
Why should I work with a Hampshire SEO agency?
Whilst working with an agency gives you access to a vast knowledge bank and expertise, working with a local agency also has the added benefit of being able to have face-to-face meetings, in-person assistance and training workshops.
Is SEO better than PPC
Whilst SEO and PPC both serve the purpose of drawing new traffic into your website, they both approach it in different ways. PPC focuses on immediate traffic but at a higher cost, whereas SEO focuses on longer-term sustainable traffic which scales over time.

Due to the complimentary nature of these two marketing channels, it is usually suggested to start with a PPC campaign for immediate traction, whilst working on a longer-term SEO channel behind the scenes for longer-term growth.
Why choose Breckenridge as your SEO partner?
Rather than relying on the same pre-set packages many agencies offer, Breckenridge prides ourselves on offering bespoke solutions tailored to your company's exact needs. With experts across the entire RevOps process, we can fully analyse your business processes, identify the points of failure and construct a detailed plan of exactly how to meet your business goals.

Want an SEO boost for your website?

Talk to our team about a site audit or any of our other SEO services.